Character Assessment & ZAP Seminar in Ireland

GSA Ireland wishes to thank all those who participated in the Character Test – ZAP Seminar, led by Herr Jens-Peter Flügge of the SV’s Core Team in Germany, hosted by OG Templepatrick at Karl Business Park.

Click HERE to see a video of the event, many thanks to Paul Flanagan and ‘Dobernut TV’ for producing this record of the day!

Big thanks to all those who prepared the equipment, helped with catering, recorded the event and volunteered their dogs for the practical part of the seminar.
This important event was supported by German Shepherd enthusiasts from all over Ireland, who heard Herr Flügge outline these important developments for the breed and The World Harmonisation Programme.
Thank you all!
Please keep an eye on GSA Ireland’s website and Facebook page for future news, announcements and events in relation to the Character Test & ZAP


Post by GSA Ireland